Saturday, December 10, 2011

My most recent oil painting 3'x4' ~sold

Oil Painting's

Drawing of a wolf pup

Oil paintings

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Tree by the River

Just finished another drawing of a tree, I love trees with interest , cavity's and holes ,this one was by the river and caught my eye ,my eyes pick them out a lot now , there is just something about them. I spotted one on the side of the road that looks like wood peckers has been working on.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Drawing I've been working on

I've been in deep awe with the Tsunami in Japan ,I started a drawing yesterday so I could put my mind at ease,because when I draw I loose track of time,literally.
I have a seascape painting ready to start but couldn't get motivated ,so maybe in the morning I may start it.